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Online Tyari ™

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When multiple users share their live location within a group, they’re displayed on an interactive map. To use this feature, choose “location” from the attachment menu and tap on “Share my location for…” The fact that Telegram allows users to create and install their custom theme makes using the service a joy. This is one of my favorite Telegram Messenger tricks. Basically, you can customize your Telegram app to look however you want it to. To create your own theme go to Settings->Chat Settings ->Theme and tap on “Create New Theme”. Here, first add a custom Name of your Theme and then tap OK. Moreover, Telegram has theme channels that offer premade themes for your easy use. You can find your preferred theme and click install to make it alive on your Telegram.

Improved Login Flow Locate users near you Global message deletion The feature is available to Premium users starting today. To set emoji statuses, tap the Premium badge at the top of your chat list or go to Settings to change status. Press and hold an emoji to set a status for a specific duration.

While WhatsApp remains the king of instant messaging in terms of sheer user base, Telegram is one of its main competitors and for good reason. The app offers speed, security, and simplicity, and is a strong WhatsApp alternative. Whether its due to WhatsApp being a Meta-owned company, or the privacy policy updates, or anything else, a lot of users have switched to Telegram over the last few years. If you’re on of them, here are 35 cool Telegram tricks to let you make the most out of the messaging app. Telegram offers two types of APIs for developers. Both are free of charge. That would be lead to provide more benefits when accessing your Telegram chat from different devices you have. Sometimes people interrupt you halfway through typing an important message, and you forget all about it—this where drafts come in handy. Your unfinished messages (drafts) are automatically saved and synced across all devices.

To preview a chat, simply press and hold its profile picture in your chat list. In addition to these functions, you can enable in-app browsing that lets you open external links within the app. All these options are available under the “Chat Settings” section.

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